Sunday, 23 June 2013

Re Posting the Thought essays with some additional material.

Thought Energy
If an energy pulse is just that raw energy, is it possibly the same in any state of creation. Is a thought linked to the cosmos? Whether it be energy created inside our heads or a gathering of energy outside our heads. Ask your self this question. Who is to say one form of the energy has more significance than the other? They are both forms of energy. After all are we could be just energy storage vessels.
Is our planet a living energy vessel? How does energy live can we say that a sun for instance is a living being after all it has plenty of energy. Does the energy necessarily also mean life. I can't imagine life with out energy. On the one hand when we have life, we can both give off and use energy. But does energy itself also constitute life in a different form. Do we have to define life as an organic form. Why do we have this prejudice towards living things to call them alive. What about mother earth? Is it the encapsulation of life? Some parts appear not to be alive but there is plenty of energy stored on it.
I think we are just conduits of energy which already exists in the universe. We either tap into and use energy around us or we store energy we encounter and then reproduce that energy in our own unique way or transmission back into the universe around us.
Here I will go further and speculate that we really are just temporary conduits created by the energy itself and our presence is just a manifestation of what the energy has already produced.
Just to enhance this argument lets say there is a field of lets say consciousness. If this consciousness field is say everyone on earths consciousness. Then it could be powered by us our energy. But was the energy there before we were created? Is the energy in consciousness derived from the combination of everyone's thoughts or every-things presence.
What if some extra energy comes from outside this field of consciousness. Can we argue that consciousness exists with out any animal input and that even plants and rocks have an existence based on energy. After all they were all created with energy.
Then what if some one dies does their consciousness energy leave this field of consciousness. Will the energy field it self keep the individual consciousness alive within it. Could be a Soul.
Again this is some of my half baked theory would be interested to discuss.

You gotta have Soul

This is a continuation from the “Thought Energy” essay.

Will the consciousness field it self, keep the individual consciousness or soul alive. Albeit in a a different form. If the support body dies for an energy charge, soul or thoughts. Where does they or it go? Does energy/ a soul just disappear or does it go somewhere else? The energy has to still be there in some form or other. It cannot simply dissipate because even dissipation itself is a transformation or evolution of the same energy.

Big Supposition Here;

So you could have extra energy being held and also some energy being acquired by a field of consciousness. This captive energy may be called ghosts or souls. Could this energy/soul that is being held in a field of consciousness find its way into another living being? (Resettle)
What if this energy or souls were actually always there in a consciousness soup? Did it pre exist humans or animals as energy there in its own right and we just evolved so that it (the energy) could get used?
Could this energy field loosely be named the fourth dimension?

Part three.

I have put the other two blogs here so we can follow this line of thought.

Lets say a fourth dimension existed? How would it be constructed? Lets look at what we know at the moment. Here I will draw a parallel with physics.
Protons neutrons and electrons can be broken down to Hadrons which in turn become Quarks and something called a Higgs Boson Particle. So physics is breaking down matter to it's smallest components and also its smallest charge. (Interesting point here to create this particle with the smallest charge in Cern they used a lot of energy.)
I would like to speculate that a thought or consciousness gets down to this smallest charge state. It is there but can hardly be seen. But does it take a lot of power to create a thought or energy which we can define as a thought.
I would like to propose that thoughts,energy or consciousness do take a lot of energy to make in fact I think this energy is in abundance and that it is already there all around us and in us. We just tap into it. Is our consciousness or universal consciousness the main building block of the universe? Is the fourth dimension this consciousness energy which has always been there. Energy so dark ( Physics people call it Dark Matter.) we cannot see it but funnily enough, all encompassing energy we use every moment of time.
Here's another thought, travel possibly utilising this Dark energy we cannot see. Might be a way to bypass current travel dogma and shift to the fourth dimension.

Again I invite discussion.

I am Just putting this up because of my Humor or lack there of.

Could be Vegan Alien mushroom farmers.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

You gotta have Soul

This is a continuation from the “Thought Energy” essay.

Will the consciousness field it self, keep the individual consciousness or soul alive. Albeit in a a different form. If the support body dies for an energy charge, soul or thoughts. Where does they or it go? Does energy/ a soul just disappear or does it go somewhere else? The energy has to still be there in some form or other. It cannot simply dissipate because even dissipation itself is a transformation or evolution of the same energy.

Big Supposition Here;

So you could have extra energy being held and also some energy being acquired by a field of consciousness. This captive energy may be called ghosts or souls. Could this energy/soul that is being held in a field of consciousness find its way into another living being? (Resettle)
What if this energy or souls were actually always there in a consciousness soup? Did it pre exist humans or animals as energy there in its own right and we just evolved so that it (the energy) could get used?
Could this energy field loosely be named the fourth dimension? 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Thought Energy

If an energy pulse is just that raw energy, is it possibly the same in any state of creation. Is a thought linked to the cosmos? Whether it be energy created inside our heads or a gathering of energy outside our heads. Ask your self this question. Who is to say one form of the energy has more significance than the other? They are both forms of energy. After all are we could be just energy storage vessels.
Is our planet a living energy vessel? How does energy live can we say that a sun for instance is a living being after all it has plenty of energy. Does the energy necessarily also mean life. I can't imagine life with out energy. On the one hand when we have life, we can both give off and use energy. But does energy itself also constitute life in a different form. Do we have to define life as an organic form. Why do we have this prejudice towards living things to call them alive. What about mother earth? Is it the encapsulation of life? Some parts appear not to be alive but there is plenty of energy stored on it.
I think we are just conduits of energy which already exists in the universe. We either tap into and use energy around us or we store energy we encounter and then reproduce that energy in our own unique way or transmission back into the universe around us.
Here I will go further and speculate that we really are just temporary conduits created by the energy itself and our presence is just a manifestation of what the energy has already produced.
Just to enhance this argument lets say there is a field of lets say consciousness. If this consciousness field is say everyone on earths consciousness. Then it could be powered by us our energy. But was the energy there before we were created? Is the energy in consciousness derived from the combination of everyone's thoughts or every-things presence.
What if some extra energy comes from outside this field of consciousness. Can we argue that consciousness exists with out any animal input and that even plants and rocks have an existence based on energy. After all they were all created with energy.
Then what if some one dies does their consciousness energy leave this field of consciousness. Will the energy field it self keep the individual consciousness alive within it. Could be a Soul.
Again this is some of my half baked theory would be interested to discuss.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Thinking Hats ON.

If we have had our current form IE brain size and abilities for over 100,000 years, I have a question? What makes us think that our current development of civilization is the pinnacle? Could we have had other civilizations develop in the preceding 90,000 years. After all we have had a few planet changing events in those years. Higher sea levels, Ice age and meteor strikes etc.
So the question I would like to discuss is were there several great civilizations before our current existence. Please comment.

Imagine if this was true.

Friday, 14 June 2013

A Very Nice piece of Art or Photo.

I like this photo but have images of an unnaturally painful death. A new definition of pleasure and pain described by an artist. This Science Alert could get you asking yourself questions.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Alien Drink Maker

This is cool. Maybe the cloud was created by the Alien drink maker on board the Alien ship. The drinks are for the Captain of the ship while he/she plots to over take the earth with a sadistic laugh. hahaha

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Asteroid flyby

Posting this because it is a little scary and also leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

1. What sort of damage would this do if it hit earth.
2. Are there building blocks of life on board from some where far far away.
3. Would our own Voyager craft end up looking like a rock after a few million years?
4. If the Voyager ended up looking like a rock is this a craft from a similar planet to earth? Which has just been in space for a long time.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Sorry this is a bit cynical.

Freedom what's that I just do what i am told. Not by any particular person or organization but convention and doing what I am supposed to do.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

In the Arii Zachariah the main character arrives on earth in a frozen state when Halley's comet hits earth in the late 2900's.

Part of some new writing I am putting together under the title of ;


Thoughts are they within us in our brain or are they just there in time and space?

Did a little bit of this biologically derived energy set the thought process in motion so to speak or was the energy to create the biological processes already there ? So is the thought merely the energy itself or a sort of matrix from a master plan?
What if it is part of a master plan ? ( I mean a simple thought?)
So we have a few thoughts here or a situation. (I was going to say conundrum. This bit of half brained thinking will create some great arguments.)
If a thought is just an energy impulse or group of energy pulses can we see it or them? I mean are these thoughts observable can I do a scan of my brain and say this part here where the signal is a little different is a thought. (would be hard my brain is small.) Imagine if I could see a visible point? What if we saw that same combination of energy outside my brain in the ether so to speak. Would it still be a thought? Or could it be something else?

I invite comments and criticism.